how to create table in MySQL database?

Nov 8, 2024, 5:15 PM
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Create table using SQL Query in MySQL

Create table in my sql database using SQL Query in MySQL


  1. Open phpMyAdmin in your system.
  2. Click on the SQL tab.
  3. Paste the query

    CREATE TABLE students (
    studentID int,
    Name varchar(255),
    Email varchar(255),
    Class int,
    Section int

  4. how to create table in mysql database
  5. Click the "Go" button.
  6. You should see a success message.
  7. Refresh the page to check if the Table is created successfully.
  8. how to create table in mysql database


CREATE TABLE tablename (
column1 datatype,
column2 datatype,
column3 datatype,
column5 datatype,
column4 datatype,

Note : In table name not allow " " space in beetween name use "_" for space.
column1 to column4 is coloum name you can modify and name give you according requirement.
datatype data type basically define a type of column . Example column1 is int show store integer value.

Example of Craete a tabLe in MySQL:

You Can follow statement and create table in Mysql

CREATE TABLE students (
studentID int,
Name varchar(255),
Email varchar(255),
Class int,
Section int

when run this statement in sql create a table in your database.
Like studentID, Class, Section datatype is Int this column hold integer value same like Name, Email column datatype is varchar hold character and max-lengh is 255.

Your Student table Looks Like this :
how to create table in mysql database