
Laravel Application File Structure

Aug 6, 2024, 4:30 PM
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Laravel Application File Structure Root Directory

    app/ Directory Overview

    The app/ directory contains the core logic and functionality of your Laravel application. Below is a detailed description of each folder within app/:

    Subdirectories inside app/


    The Console/ directory contains custom Artisan commands that you can run from the command line. You can define custom commands here to automate tasks within your application.


    The Events/ directory contains event classes. These are used to decouple various parts of your application and can be triggered in response to certain actions, like sending a welcome email when a user registers.


    The Exceptions/ directory contains classes that handle errors and exceptions. The Handler.php file is where you define custom exception handling logic.


    The Http/ directory contains everything related to HTTP requests, including:

    • Controllers/: Contains controllers that handle user requests and return responses.
    • Middleware/: Filters HTTP requests before they reach the controller. Used for tasks like authentication and logging.
    • Requests/: Contains form request classes for validating and authorizing incoming data before reaching the controller.


    The Models/ directory contains Eloquent models, which represent database tables and allow interaction with your application's data.


    The Policies/ directory contains classes that define the authorization logic for various resources in your application. It helps manage user permissions.


    The Providers/ directory contains service providers, which are responsible for bootstrapping the application and binding services into Laravel's service container.

    bootstrap/ Directory Overview

    The bootstrap/ directory is responsible for initializing and bootstrapping your application. Below is a description of the subdirectories and files within bootstrap/:


    The app.php This file is one of the first files to be located in the system and its purpose is to load the application’s configurations such as values or service providers. You can use this file anytime a request is made – it is universal.


    The cache/ directory stores cached files that help Laravel load faster. This can include configuration caches, route caches, and compiled views.

    config/ Directory Overview

    The config/ directory contains all of your application's configuration files. These files define various settings and parameters that control the behavior of your application. Below is a detailed description of some of the common files in the config/ directory:

    Files inside config/


    The app.php configuration file is responsible for the general settings of your application. It includes parameters like the application name, environment, timezone, and locale. You can also configure application-specific settings such as debugging and logging behavior here.


    The database.phpWhen new connections are made, this file stores the settings that establish the application’s database connection. Specifically, you will be looking for the type of connection, username, password, and host connection.


    The mail.php When set up, the mail.php file establishes connections with your application’s server to enable users to send emails. Here is where you can indicate SMTP, mailgun, and other mail connection parameters like port and encryption.

    Other Configuration Files

    Apart from the mentioned files, the config/ directory can also contain configuration files for services like caching, queueing, session management, broadcasting, and more. These files are typically named based on the functionality they configure, such as cache.php, queue.php, session.php, etc.

    database/ Directory Overview

    The database/ directory contains all of the database-related files for your application. It includes things like database migrations, seeders, and factories. Below is a detailed description of the common subdirectories and files inside the database/ directory:

    Files and Subdirectories inside database/


    The factories/a special experience documenting collections of model factories factories designing models for creating fake information for tests. Models are usually factories and Laravel makes it quite easy for you to specify which models will need new model instances with random data. This allows, for one, tests when the database is seeded with sample data.


    The migrations/ directory contains the migration files used to modify your database schema. Each migration is responsible for creating or altering database tables, adding columns, creating indexes, or removing columns. You can run migrations using Artisan commands to keep your database schema up to date.


    The seeders/ directory contains the database seeder classes. Seeders allow you to populate your database with sample data, often used in conjunction with factories. For example, you can define a seeder for creating initial users or any other test data required for your application. Seeder files can be executed using Artisan commands to insert data into your database.

    public/ Directory Overview

    The public/ directory is the entry point for all HTTP requests to your Laravel application. This folder contains the publicly accessible files, such as the index file, CSS, JS, images, and other assets that are accessible via the web browser. Below is a detailed description of the common files and subdirectories inside the public/ directory:

    Files and Subdirectories inside public/


    The index.php file is the entry point for all requests to your Laravel application. It is responsible for bootstrapping the Laravel framework, handling the request, and sending the response. The index.php file doesn't contain much application logic, as most of the logic is handled by the Laravel framework itself.


    The assets/ directory contains all publicly accessible files such as images, CSS, JavaScript, and fonts. These assets are usually linked or imported into your application views to provide the necessary styles and functionality on the frontend. The assets/ folder is typically where you place your compiled and minified CSS and JavaScript files.

    resources/ Directory Overview

    The resources/ directory contains all of your application's views, language files, and raw assets like SASS or JavaScript files. This is where you would typically place content that will be compiled or processed before being served to users. Below is a breakdown of the files and subdirectories found inside the resources/ directory:

    Files and Subdirectories inside resources/


    The views/ directory is where all of your Blade templates reside. These files are used to generate HTML responses. Blade is Laravel's templating engine, and it allows you to easily manage and include components, as well as loop through data, conditionals, and more. This directory usually contains subdirectories for various sections of the site such as layouts, components, and the pages themselves.


    The lang/ directory contains all of your application's translation files. It allows your application to support multiple languages by defining language files for different locales. Each language can have its own set of files containing the translated strings for various parts of the application.


    The js/ directory stores your application's raw JavaScript files. These files are typically compiled and minified using Laravel Mix before being served to the browser. Here you can place any custom scripts required for your application to run on the frontend.


    The css/ directory contains raw CSS files that are compiled by Laravel Mix. It may contain your base CSS or any custom styles you need for your application. Just like JavaScript, these files can be compiled into a single minified CSS file for production use.


    The sass/ directory is where you can place your SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) files. These are more powerful and flexible than regular CSS and allow you to use variables, nested rules, and mixins to make your CSS more maintainable. Like other assets, SASS files are compiled into a final CSS file.

    routes/ Directory Overview

    The routes/ directory in Laravel contains all of the route definitions for your application. These files are responsible for defining the URLs your application responds to and the controllers or actions that should handle those requests. Laravel makes it easy to define routes for various types of requests such as web, API, and console commands. Below is a breakdown of the files typically found inside the routes/ directory:

    Files and Subdirectories inside routes/


    The web.php file contains the routes that handle web requests. These routes typically return views or render HTML responses. Routes in this file are also automatically assigned the web middleware group, which includes features like session state, CSRF protection, and more. In this file, you define routes that control the behavior of your web pages, such as home pages, dashboards, and forms.


    The api.php file contains routes for handling API requests. These routes typically return JSON responses rather than HTML. Laravel automatically assigns routes in this file the api middleware group, which includes features such as rate limiting and authentication. You would define routes for your application's RESTful API here, such as fetching user data, updating records, or processing other backend operations.


    The console.php file allows you to define custom Artisan commands for your application. Artisan is Laravel's command-line interface, and you can use it to create commands for tasks like clearing caches, running scheduled jobs, or interacting with the database. By adding commands to this file, you make them available via the php artisan command in the terminal.


    The channels.php file is used to register all of the event broadcast channels for your application. In Laravel, broadcasting allows you to send real-time data to clients using WebSockets. This file is where you define the channels through which your application will broadcast events, such as user notifications or real-time chat updates.

    storage/ Directory Overview

    The storage/ directory in Laravel is designed to store files that are generated by the application, including logs, file uploads, and cached data. It is essential for managing application data that needs to be persistent but is not suitable for being placed in the public directory. Laravel provides a convenient API for interacting with files in this directory, ensuring security and ease of access. Below is a breakdown of the files and subdirectories typically found inside the storage/ directory:

    Files and Subdirectories inside storage/


    The app/ directory inside storage/ is used to store files that are generated by the application. These might include user-uploaded files, processed data, or temporary files that need to persist during the application's lifetime. Files in this directory are often stored in subfolders for better organization.


    The framework/ directory is where Laravel stores framework-generated files, such as cached views, route caches, and session data. This folder is essential for performance optimization as it ensures that the framework's internal processes are streamlined by using cached data. It includes subdirectories for caching, sessions, and more.


    The logs/ directory contains all of the application’s log files. Laravel uses the Monolog library to manage log files, which record important events, errors, and warnings in the application. These log files are helpful for debugging, monitoring, and maintaining the application over time. Laravel rotates these log files automatically to prevent them from growing too large.

    tests/ Directory Overview

    The tests/ directory in Laravel is where all your application’s test files are stored. Testing is an essential part of application development, allowing you to ensure that your application is functioning as expected. Laravel uses PHPUnit for running tests, and this directory typically contains two main subdirectories: Feature/ and Unit/. Below is an overview of what these subdirectories are for:

    Files and Subdirectories inside tests/


    The Feature/ directory is where you place tests that interact with your application's components in a way that simulates actual user behavior. These tests may involve making HTTP requests to the application, testing controllers, middleware, or interactions between various parts of your application. These tests usually test larger pieces of functionality and simulate real-world usage.


    The Unit/ directory contains tests for small units of functionality, typically testing individual classes or methods. These tests are focused on isolated behavior, ensuring that a specific part of the application works as expected in isolation. Unit tests usually test smaller, independent pieces of logic without requiring interaction with other parts of the application.

    vendor/ Directory Overview

    The vendor/ directory in Laravel is automatically created by Composer when you install dependencies for your Laravel project. It contains all of the third-party packages and libraries that your project requires to function properly. The contents of this directory are critical for your application’s functionality, and it should never be edited manually.

    Files and Subdirectories inside vendor/

    Composer dependencies

    The vendor/ directory contains all the libraries and packages that have been installed via Composer. When you run composer install or composer update, Composer downloads the required packages and places them in the vendor/ directory. This may include Laravel's own packages, as well as any third-party libraries your application depends on, such as database connectors, utilities, or authentication services.

    Autoload Files

    The vendor/ directory also includes an autoload file, autoload.php, which is used to load the necessary PHP classes for your application. This allows you to use all the third-party packages installed via Composer without needing to manually include them in your project.

    Packages and Libraries

    This directory contains multiple subdirectories, each for a different package installed by Composer. The packages could include things like guzzlehttp/guzzle (HTTP client), fideloper/proxy (reverse proxy handling), and phpunit/phpunit (testing framework), among many others.

    Additional Files
    • .env - The environment configuration file, where sensitive data (e.g., database credentials) is stored.
    • artisan - The Artisan command-line interface for Laravel.
    • composer.json - Composer dependency management configuration.
    • package.json - Node.js dependency management file.
    • webpack.mix.js - Configuration for asset compilation using Laravel Mix.
    • phpunit.xml - PHPUnit configuration for running tests.